As we head into February, things can get a little dull and boring. It’s what I call the ‘tween season. Hunting season is over, and it’s a little early for fishing. There are things to do on the property to enhance the habitat, but inevitably the weather doesn’t cooperate.
Take today for instance. The temperature has hovered around 32*, and there has been a light rain since about 10:00 this morning. The east wind just sends a chill through you.
So, what do you do? Fortunately, there are still several things that can get done. New fishing line needs to be put on, tackle sorted, and, if you fly fish, flies to tie.
It’s Show Time!
It’s also the time of year for sports shows. For central Indiana, we start with the Heartland Flyfishing Festival. Hosted by Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing, they bring in some great vendors and organizations. I’ve been going to this show for several years, but this year, I took three of my grandkids. My 9-year-old grandson got to spend some time with one of the instructors, working on casting in the reflecting pool. These guys have great patience and are great in showing the beginner the steps in properly laying a line out.
After the Heartland Flyfishing Festival is the Indiana Fishing Expo. Again, this year, the same three grandkids accompanied me. After the Flyfishing Festival, it’s all they could talk about. While not as interactive, they had the chance to see tackle, play with lures, and even came away with a few to try this year. The vendors are great with kids, talking to them and explaining how the lure is fished.
Next up is the Indianapolis Boat, Sport, & Travel Show. This is an annual family event that everyone looks forward to. While it has changed over the years, it still has a following unlike any other show in Indiana. I attended it as a kid with my dad and grandpa, and now I’m the grandpa, going with my two boys and their kids.
It has everything from motorcycles to RVs, to deer and turkey hunting. Oh, yeah, there’s a lot of fishing gear. The Coliseum is full of travel destinations and many great package deals. It’s a great time to plan that vacation or fishing trip for the summer.
These events are great for getting kids involved and excited about the upcoming season, as well as making plans for fishing trips locally. Take advantage of these times in this ‘tween season.
Clean and Neat
While the ‘tween season is a time to plan, it is also a good time to clean up hunting equipment and organize your stuff.
Invariably, I find a mix of shotgun shells in jacket pockets that need to go back with the rest of their kind. Decoys that are muddy and dirty need washed, game pouches cleaned, and guns cleaned and oiled.
We had a nice, warm day this week, so I took advantage of it and got the tree stand and my two ground blinds taken down. I’ve got some repairs to make to the tree stand, including some painting. Now is as good a time as any to get it done.
As a parting thought, this is a good time to get out and explore. Find a new stream or lake to fish this summer. Buy a state park pass and go hiking. Indiana’s parks have some great inns to enjoy a meal or cup of coffee after that hike. The kids also enjoy the nature centers which many parks have.
Just don’t let cabin fever get the best of you in this ‘tween season.